I know, I know, I haven't had a new post in about a week. Bad Mama!. We did have had a few fun days here and there this past week, but alas, for most of it I have either forgotten my camera or been a situations where it wasn't appropriate to start snapping pictures. One such occasion was...swimming lessons!!
Little Chief had his very first swimming lesson this past Tuesday night at the Maplewood Community Center where we are new members. It went great! I really wanted to take a picture, but there were five other kids in the group as well as two other swimming group lessons going on. I was
not going to go around and figure out who belonged to whom just to get a shot of Chief.
Anyway, it was so adorable to watch. It was another of those almost tear jerkers when I realized how much he is growing up. He followed directions from his instructor, Amy, and appreared to be really brave (from what I could see). It was a nice introduction to swimming. Amy had them all jumping around in a circle, she took them each on a guided loop, first on their backs and then on their bellies. They sang a song and played a game. After his lesson, Papa Bear and I donned our suits and continued to splash and play for another hour.
Sure, dinner was really late, and Chief didn't get to bed until 9:30 p.m., but we had so much fun it was totally worth it. Good Times.