Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Preschooler Talk

The other day I was lucky enough to have not one, but two little boys named Owen in my car. As I was driving along I caught a bit of this conversation:

OY: Do you like steak?
OL: Steak? What's that?
OY: Oh steak is so good. I love steak.
OY: Do you like mac -n-cheese?
OL: Oh yea, I like ma-n-cheese
OY: Me, too! I love mac-n-cheese!
OL: I like bugs.
OY: To eat?
OL: nooooo.... mac-n-cheese bugs!"

I kinda lost the rest of the conversation, but it cracked me up! They were totally into this dialog. It was a funny and fantastic moment : )

1 comment:


That is funny in so many ways. My kid doesn't even know what steak is! But he likes to eat bugs. Hmmm. I'm a REALLY bad cook.