Monday, October 6, 2008

Carve it up!

So..what did we do with those lovely pumpkins that we picked from the patch? We carved 'em up, of course! Well, actually we carved one up and decided to carve another next week, and another the week after that. I hope they all make it until Trick-or-Treat night. By "make it" I mean not rot and by "not rot" I mean not smashed by the neighborhood hooligans. (Not that we really have any neighborhood hooligans, we live pretty suburban, but still you never know...There was a gang of about 15 middle class white suburbanite girls hanging out across the street a few days ago, but I think that's a post for a different day.)

Anyway- back to topic- usually I am a big fan of the stereotypical Jack-O-Lantern with triangle eyes and a jagged, toothy grin, but this year I decided to try something new. Well, I decided to have Papa Bear and G'Pa try something new. I bought a pumpkin carving kit complete with little saws and patterns. The Chief decided that this first pumpkin was to be carved to the likeness of a skull and crossbones or The Jolly Roger. Beloved by little boys everywhere who like to play pirates and sneak the phrase "Argh, Matey" into as many conversations as possible.

As you can see my picture came out a bit (a lot) fuzzy, I think you can get the general idea.



That turned out awesome! I hope it makes it with all those teenagers hanging out in the Yeagerhood. I expect the post about them to be coming sometime this week. Yep. Thanks.

CzaMama said...

I love it!!!

One year I sculpted a face into a pumpkin...I clearly didn't have a small child or a life then! lol