Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to Papa Bear!

April 14th was Papa Bears 36th birthday! Unfortunately for him, his special day fell midweek and that meant having to go to work. I think he may have got to sleep in for about 20 minutes, but Owen wouldn't let him rest much longer than that!

We had a fancy birthday breakfast of cold cereal and coffee.

Dinner was better- Cosetta's lasagna and poke-n-pour cake. My cooking was very limited this year, as in, I made garlic toast. I didn't even get to make the cake! I tried to get Owen to make it with me, but he insisted that he and daddy make the cake. So they did! Tony and Linda came over later to enjoy the cake with us. It was a really nice way to round out the day.

Owen and I did have fun running errands and buying gifts. Everywhere we went he would tell someone: "Today is my daddy's birthday. He's 36!" It was pretty cute.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart! I hope you enjoyed your day! We love you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter 2010

Happy Easter 2010!

Some little 5 year old awoke extra early on Easter Sunday to go hunting for his goody basket! He and Papa Bear hunted up and down and all around before they found the bunny's treasure hidden behind the curtains. Bubble wand, chocolate bunny, Pez, jelly beans, a book and more!

G'Ma and G'Pa sent a bunch of wrapped gifts for all of us. Owen waited an entire week before opening them! He was saving them for Easter. I couldn't believe the restraint. Good for him!

Easter Morning snuggles from Papa : )

We enjoyed our traditional breakfast of bunny shaped pancakes - Yum!!

We hope everyone had a fun, family filled day celebrating the joy of Spring!