Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stepping Stones- The first day of Preschool

Well, today was the big day. The first day of preschool! I suppose I might be making a bigger deal out of this than need be, but hey- he's my baby, my first born, my only child venturing out into a world where I am not in control. (Although how much do we actually control? lol- probably not as much as we would like.) It's not like he has never been away from home. He has. Nights spent with Grandma and Grandpa, babysitters at home or away, and he's even been in child care at the gym. But school...this is the first step of many in his formal education. This is the reason he potty trained. Preschool IS a big deal.
I admit I was at a little bit of a loss as to what to do with my two hours and fifteen minutes of free time. I ended up doing a little shopping, grabbed a cup o' joe from Dunn Bros. and then headed over to school to sit and read for a bit. I was way too early. Probably a good 20-25 minutes. I was the early of the early parents. I thought it would be fine, though, since I had a book, but a few minutes after I pulled in I saw the class following the teacher outside to the play area. I sat and watched them trotting along behind her waiting to catch a glimpse of my guy. He was the last one out, holding the hand of the other teacher, galloping toward the play ground. I felt like I had been busted by the "overprotective parent patrol!" Here I was hunkered down in the front seat, a book in my face, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. He didn't see me and I hope the teacher didn't either. I don't want the reputation as being that parent. It's bad enough I almost busted into tears (again). (It was seriously adorable watching them play!) I think I will have it timed better on Friday. I'm learning here, too, right?
All in all it was a good day. He played with firetrucks, did a painting, played outside, read books, and had his mom and dad gushing over his milestone. While we were driving to school this morning he told me:
"I'm going to have a great day at school today, Mom." And I think he did.



I've been waiting all day for this post! YEA, Owen & Jackie! You are SO that parent, Sinking down in your front seat. Silly girl. What a great painting. That's what I'm most excited for. Fridge art! Well, Big O goes tomorrow. We'll see how it goes for him. Awe, I could just picture The Chief skipping along holding his teacher's hand like it was my own.

Let's Talk About Our Day said...

You did it!! He did it!!
I have totally been that parent who is early and spies on the D-D-D-Day Camp just for that reason!!
I hope Friday goes just as smooth.

~Steph said...

Yep, that's me too! In fact, after I drop Henry off at preschool, I leave the building by going down the hallway that Jacob's class is, just to get a little peak at him through the door on the way (and hope he doesn't see me)! :) We're not overprotective...we're just...what's a good word?? Safety-conscious! That sums it up I think!!

P.S. So glad school's going so well for the Little Chief!!

Missives From Suburbia said...

Wait... not all parents spy on their kids at school?

If you ever wonder how to kill 2+ hours of free time, give me a call. I can give you about 100 ideas. (Of course, if you need ideas about how to be productive during those hours, I'm really not a good resource.)

CzaMama said...

Yay!!! I'm glad it went so well for everyone!