Thursday, September 11, 2008

Preschool for Everyone!

The Little Chief about 2 years ago at a group play date

About 6 months after I began staying at home with The Chief, I began feeling a little isolated and lonely, so I decided to reach out and join a stay at home mom's group (SAHM- for all you acronym lovers). This was 3 years ago. Next to my marriage I think this is the longest commitment I have ever made (ha ha ha) unless of course you count the commitment of raising a child, but I digress...

Not-So-Little Chief this summer

Anyway, recently I have been perusing the blogs of many of our friends whom (or is it who?) we have met through the group and I am feeling an overwhelming sense of awe. All of our little babies are growing up! Everyone's posts talk about the first day of preschool, the first day of kindergarten, the first day of first grade! They're so real, these moments of life. Ya, know? I just feel so honored, so blessed, to witness these milestones. Thank you to all of my dear friends for sharing these moments.



Awe. You goodball! Cute picture, BTW. I totally remember him like that and it makes me kind of sad.

~Steph said...

Well, thanks for reading them! And I'm so glad that you've started your own blog!! Geez, I haven't seen you in how long now?!? How've you been doing?

CzaMama said...

And to you for sharing yours. Cheers hon!