Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chriatmas Day 2008

erry Christmas Day 2008

I know this post is a little long in the making, but after the whirl wind of the holidays I just needed a moment of decompression. Granted, my "moment" as taken 3 weeks, but I feel that you all know me well enough by now that even if my posts are late, the at least will be.

So Happy Christmas to everyone! the day started off bright and early here in our house. You might even think that a little boy knew Santa was coming and charged himself up for an early rising to unwrap his booty. (we play pirates way too much)

It was a lot of fun. There were way more presents than I thought there would be, but it was so much fun watching him unwrap his gifts that I just didn't care. And really- he wasn't overly spoiled- packaging takes up a lot of space!

I think one of the best moments was when Chief opened up a gift that wasn't requested and he looked at it and said "huh?" Then when he opened a gift he did ask for he he was SOOO excited!!! "It's just what I asked for! Santa went to the store and got just what I wanted!" Crack me up.

We had a lovely Christmas dinner. We were fortunate to have extra persons at our table this year. April, Jon, and Kyle made the trip down from Brainerd to share our holiday meal. It tasted great and having the company made it very special.

I don't know how we are ever going to top this Christmas. It was filled with love, laughs, joy, family, food, fun, and gifts. We were able to spend a cozy holiday with friends and family, warm and snuggled in our new house, watching the snow fall.

Seasons Greetings to all

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