Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving in St. Louis

This year we headed for St. Louis, MO for the Thanksgiving holiday. Troy's aunt Barb was kind enough to host this food heavy holiday despite the fact that she was recovering from a recent surgury. Thanks, Barb! We love you!
We packed up the car and hit the road for the 620 (one way) mile trip. We had a really nice time and it was great to see everyone. Great Grandma White even made the trip down from Chicago with the Kinn's. As she is into her 90th decade I thought this was especially great.

G'Ma and G'Pa brought Chief a new version of his favorite game Uno called Uno Flash. He had everyone playing with him. Most everyone tried not to crush the 4 year old. At first. Then they discovered that he was not only lucky- he was good and then they were out to get him. He didn't seem to mind, though. He had a roomful of grownups playing his favorite game with him!

Here's G'Ma helping out in the kitchen

Here is Owen with his daddy's cousins teaching them a thing or two about Uno Flash!

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, and delicious food!

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