Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Coloring Eggs

A few days before Easter Owen and I sat down to an afternoon of Easter Egg coloring. He had such a great time! I was going to be the super enviro-mom and treat him to all natural egg coloring with boiling vegetables, but the standard vinegar and water colored dye tabs beckoned me as we meandered through Target's isles. They were non- toxic, so what the heck :)

We used crayons to color on the eggs before we dipped them.

He started getting really good with the bent wire dipping spoon.

Look at that! the child was very proud of his egg coloring skills and I was proud of him, too!

I think he was more excited to eat the eggs than to color them. He loves the white part, not so much the yolk. A little sprinkle of salt and voila! An egg-stra special snack!

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