Sunday, February 1, 2009

Minnesota Percussion Trio

This past weekend Little Chief, Papa Bear, and I had a wonderful opportunity to see the Minnesota Percussion Trio. They were the entertainment for the the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra's 50th birthday celebration concert for kids ages 3-6. Our friends the Wencl's were unable to use their tickets and they generously handed them over to us! It was a lot of fun!

When we arrived they had lots of activities for the kids. We made and decorated a drum, decorated a birthday hat, played on various percussion instruments, and had snacks of juice and cookies. Papa and I thought they put together a very nice shindig for the wee ones.

Here Chief and I are, playing with his drum.
When we went into the concert hall there was a wonderful lady, Joanna Cortright, directing the children, introducing the musicians, and keeping everyone- children and grown ups- focused on the show. She told a fabulous tale, Max Found Two Sticks, accompanied by the drummers. Owen sat right up in front with all of the kids. He said it was fun, but "too loud!" Well, I guess when you sit right in front of three precussionists it's going to be loud.

Do you see him in the front row?

We had such a great time. It makes you kinda want to kick yourself in the hind end for not doing things like this more often. Not only was it a musically enriching experience for all of us, it was a family event that we shared together, the three of us marching to our own quirky Yeager beat.

Thanks again, Julia!

1 comment:


Super cool! I've seen that book. It's a good one. He's so cute up there front and center.