Sunday, October 11, 2009

Preschool Year 2!

First Day of Preschool - year 2

I began writing this blog when my Little Chief started preschool last year. I remember feeling overwhelmed, happy, and sad all at the same time. My baby was growing up and taking his first steps away from home. This year I felt more assured and, to be honest, I was looking forward to my 6 and 3/4 hours of personal time a week. He loves it and he adores his teachers. There are a few boys from his class last year so he is comfortable. It's a win/win.

Last year I experienced the "firsts" of preschool and this year it's the "lasts." Now it's only one more year until my baby goes to kindergarten (oh don't get me started on that!). Soon he will be 5 years old and then it's on to driving and college. OK- I maybe skipped a few years, but I am in constant surprise at the speed of life. Sometimes I want to go backwards. I want to fix the mistakes I have made and relive the triumphs. I want to cuddle my baby and be there again when he takes his first steps and says his first words. I defiantly would have introduced vegetables first. : )

Or, maybe I want to freeze time and keep us here in this stage where we as parents are still the smartest, safest people in his world. Where the child finds complete joy in Batman and a stuffed bunny named Teddy. Sure this means I would be tying shoes and and reading the Magic School Bus over and over and over again, but it also means we would be able to snuggle three deep for bedtime stories forever.

I suppose I should just chalk it up to a good life. We must be doing something right if it means so much. So there he is, taking his first-last preschool steps. Our last year before the big ol' elementary school bus comes down the street and scoops my little baby off to a whole new level of childhood. It's all so dang bittersweet.



Don't talk about the big K! I can't handle it. You're making me get all emotional.

Kristy said...

Yep, there's that big lump in my throat! I've been feeling the exact same way. I think this is how some people end up with such big families, because the want to keep reliving it, but it would obviously not e the same. It is indeed bittersweet (or maybe sweetbitter, because it is mostly awesomeness tinged with sadness).