Monday, October 12, 2009

Little Hawks Soccer

This year we decided to have the child participate in a team sport. We joined the Black Hawk Soccer League. It is a popular organization with tons of kids of all ages participating. Owen is a Little Hawk. He gets to play on the same team as one of his best buddies, Owen L. Being one of the youngest players, he isn't quite into it the way some of the other children are. There are a few kids who are really good! I think his skill level and his ability to pay attention will grow with time. For now the most important thing for us was to get him out there, be part of a team, and learn something new. He loves it!

On our way to the first game
There are about 10 different colors of teams. Owen and Owen L. are on the dark green team.

He's lucky #7

Owen and Owen L. numbers 7 & 8. I think they spend more time wrestling around with each other than playing but hey- they are 4 1/2 and just want to have fun!

1 comment:


They are so cute! Owen faked a stomach ache tonight. He does NOT like the cold. Funny that he doesn't seem to mind it at preschool, just at soccer.