Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nemo 1 and Nemo 2

A few months ago we bought the child a small fish tank and a few gilled friends to go in it. Originally we had two glofish. They were named Goldie and Stripey. Occasionally, their names were switched for a day or two and then promptly exchanged again.

Unfortunately, Goldie and Stripey were not long for this world and the fish tank was literally shelved until a couple of weeks ago when a spur of the moment trip to the local Petsmart brought us together with our newest aquatic friends, Big Nemo and Little Nemo. ( I don't even wonder about name choices anymore) Along with our new fish we also bought them a new treasure chest to swim through. Funny enough, they seem to like it and spend a fair amount of time swimming through it and poking around it. Little Nemo is quickly becoming as large as Big Nemo and we are running into the Yeager curse of overfeeding our pets. Since these new buddies are indeed Fantail Gold Fish, and I do not believe Goldfish are known for their longevity, we had better ease up on the flakey food if we want to keep them around awhile. We are trying to convince the child to get a few snails, but so far no go. What little boy doesn't want snails? I think I am close to breaking him down. (just kidding)


Busy Minnesota Mama said...

Hi Mama J, I am the mom of 2 preschoolers. Your days look much like mine--forts and all. My kids would love to have fish too but I tend to kill them so they will have to be happy with looking at grandma's fish when we visit. :)
Just want to let you know that, on this snowy Minnesota night, you have been surfed. Drop by my blog to see what that means. ~verna


You know you aren't kidding. After you convince him of snails, try to get him to name the big one Marlin. lol