Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Eyes wide open

My child does not like to go to sleep. Today he didn't even nap. This makes Mama J a little nutsy, but, generally speaking, so do most things.

An exert from one of the many dialogues last night:

Mama J: Son, it's 10:30 at night. You have to put your head on the pillow and go to sleep
Chief: But, MaMa..I just can't sleep with my eyes open
Mama J:...(sigh), well then let's try it with your eyes closed.
Chief: Oh. OK.

Really, son? After almost two hours of trying not to go to sleep this is what you end the sleep struggle with?



I'm glad you posted that. That was a funny story.

Whispering Writer said...

Hi, I've found your blog randomly and am really enjoying it.
I know sleep issues aren't funny, but this is pretty amusing :)