April 14th, 2009 Papa Bear turned 35 years old!!!
This year we got Papa a fun gift - Owen and I picked out racquetball racquets for Troy's present this year. He also got a spiffy new bicycle a few weeks before. And a helmet! Safety first!!

The requested birthday dinner this year: Spaghetti Spinach Pie, a salad with pepperoni, mozzarella,
bacos, and
Italian dressing, a loaf of garlic bread, and milk to drink.

Now I don't know how many people have attempted to make a spring formed spaghetti pie, but other than being multi-stepped, it wasn't so bad.
And to toot my own horn- it tasted GREAT. Yeah to me for making a tomato

Dessert was a requested Poke-n-Pour cake. White cake, poked multiple times with a fork, strawberry liquid jello to pour over into the holes, and topped with Cool Whip. you might notice the crazy strawberry design on top of the cake.
was a reason for that. When the Cool Whip container says not to stir it up as causes the whip to get
liquidy, well, they ain't lying. I failed to let it defrost for the suggested 4 hours before use so I tried to thaw it with a few stirs. Don't. Mistakes were made! So I decided to try to hide the soupish Cool Whip with lots of fresh berries. It may have been a bit ugly but it was still super
tasty and we devoured it!

Owen put on the candles- there were
MANY : )

Make a wish, Papa Bear!!!
Happy Birthday Sweetie. We love you so much. I hope all of your wishes come true!