Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Painted Illumination

So, what do you do with a $5 lamp shade from the clearance end cap at Target and a $3 lamp base from Goodwill? Why you paint it, of course! We have been hunting for a nice bed side lamp for Chief's room and have yet to find anything we loved. When I came across a plain white lamp shade my brain lit up and I knew what we were going to do! Papa Bear, Little Chief, and I sat down one evening at the kitchen table with some craft paint and with brushes in hand had a fun filled family craft night.

A friend of mine complimented me on being able to let the child participate in decorating and designing accents in his room. While I thank her from the bottom of my heart, I would be lying if I said it was easy to turn creative control over to a 3 year old. I tend to like things just so and I have strong feelings when things go/look differently than I think they should. That being said I do try to allow him to have a say in his surroundings even as I add my own flair. It turned out to be an awesome lamp shade.

The three of us had a lot of fun spending time together, working on a project. Life moves so fast sometimes that it's easy to let family time fall by the wayside. When we sit at the table together and do little things like this lamp painting it reminds me of how fortunate I am. I have good, loving spouse- even though he makes me a little nutty at times and I have a great kid- even if he regularly drives me to Crazy Land. I'm sure I inflict upon them my own brand of craziness, but they don't seem to complain too often. I don't know why I am so blessed, but far be it from me to question the reasons of the universe. So I will just give my thanks.

back of lamp

front of lamp

I have to say that it is SO nice to have a bed side lamp in his room. No more harsh overhead light for reading books! Whoo-hoo!

Such a boy!

I'm not quite sure when it happened, but sometime within this past year my darling toddler turned into a rambunctious little boy. He loves nothing more than to run, jump, leap, and climb. We now spend at least a few minutes everyday taking all of the pillows and cushions off of the couch and creating elaborate agility courses. We run down the hall, jump over blankets, kick the football, weave through the kitchen, walk the couch frame, jump to the lounger, and finally leap into the pile of pillows. and then we do it again. And again. Well, he does it again and again. I participate some, mostly keeping a phone handy to call 911 (Heaven forbid!).

When the lure of diving into pillows wears out, he then turns to the ever popular "build a fort." He gets upset if it's not just right or the cushions fall. Who knows? Maybe I'm looking at a future architect.

Actions shot

Boy's got some good air onthis one!

The pure joy is so apparent on his face. How can I say no?

Winter is a comin'

Just a few days ago this was what greeted us when we woke up and looked out to the back deck. It was just a dusting, but it was a little preview of what's to come. I'm not sure I'm ready for the snow to fly, but Chief is more than ready. He can't wait to build a snow fort, eat the snow (I know- stay away from the yellow snow!), make snow balls, and do just about anything snow related.

the back deck

out the kitchen window

OK, Winter. We're getting ready for you. We have the boots, the hats, the mittens, the coats. The 4 wheel drive is working and the snow blower has been fixed. I think we can take it. Bring it on.

Visit with the G'Parents and a gift from Teri

A few weeks ago G'Ma and G'Pa came up for a little visit. We had a great time! A very good friend of G'Ma's, Teri, stopped by to deliver a belated housewarming gift to us, a book for Chief, and then wisked G'Ma off to lunch.

The book Teri brought Little Chief was Colorful World illustrated by Melodee Strong. Complete with music CD, he more than enjoys his new book. We have a few books illustrated by Melodee Strong, and they are his favorites. Thank you so much, Teri!!

Sharing a nice day with G'Ma outside on the play set.

Swinging, a favorite thing

Soon we will be on an airplane on our way to Atlanta to visit G'Ma and G'Pa at their house for the Thanksgiving holiday. We are excited to go and Chief is SO excited for a plane ride. Get ready for us- we'll be there soon!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama '08

Today Chief and I went to the polls to cast our vote. My little guy stood next to me while I registered us (new address), while I waited in line, and I held him while I filled out my ballot. He is too young to realize it, but today, he participated in an historic election. Barack Obama is the President-Elect of the United States of America. I am always proud to be a citizen of this country, but today I am especially proud of us, as a nation, for taking a chance and believing in hope. Many blessings to this new first family and to all of us, as citizens of the United States and as citizens of the World.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

BOO to you!

OK, OK, I know I have been a bad blogger lately, but it seems like the past few weeks have been really full. First Chief was sick for a whole week. That was not fun. Then this and that just kind of took over our lives and before I knew it over two weeks had passed without a word from us! I know you have been missing us, and I apologize ;p

Now that the excuses have been meted out, it's time for the good stuff.....

Mama and her garbage man

Happy Halloween!!!!

This year my darling son wanted to be a garbage man for Halloween! (Those of you who have heard this before stop rolling your eyes and bear with me.) Well, he wanted to be the actual truck, but I was able to convince him to be the man driving the truck. I asked throughout the month of October if he was sure he wanted to be a garbage man. I knew there would be a lot of work on this costume so I wanted him to be sure. I repeatedly asked if he wanted to be a superhero, a pirate, a cowboy, a monster, anything other than a garbage man. I reminded him he could dress up as anything in his imagination for Halloween. He would just look at me and say (more than once): "I'm going to be a superhero when I grow up. I'm going to be a garbage man for Halloween." So, the garbage man cometh.

The child was excited! Like really, really, really excited. He counted down the days until Halloween. He went to his friend"s Halloween party on Wednesday, had a costume parade at school on Friday, and had a sleepover on Halloween night!

The kids were freaking ADORABLE at preschool. They were all so happy to be dressed up and they put on a "show" for us parents by singing 4 songs in circle time. It was touching and sweet to see them engaged with their teachers and really being a part of a classroom.

Preschoolers on parade

All around the building and outside, too!

The Knight and the G-Man out trick or treating

We were able to trick or treat throughout the neighborhood with our good friends, the Backs, and our new neighbors as well. Happily the kids were more interested in
getting the candy than eating it. (more for us grown ups!) We did have a little pizza party after the candy carousing, and Chief's best buddy, Evan, stayed the night. For not eating much candy those two sure stayed up really late! It was a special night, so exceptions were made : )

I have to admit that I was just as excited about the night as he was. I really enjoy All Hallows Eve and costume making is a huge part of it. I have, in the past, purchased ready made costumes, and I have made some of them myself. This year I think I have out done myself in the handmade category. (toot-toot!) It was fun to make, but Papa Bear's working headlights really put it over the top in for it's coolness factor. Way to go, Papa!

The whole crew getting ready for some candy!!

The highlight of the weekend was that both G'Ma and G'Pa were able to fly up for the weekend. I will be posting on that next. I think it deserves it's own post as it is special every time they stop up to visit. So, more of that to come.

I hope everyone had a safe, fun, sugar filled Halloween! I'm already planning on my yard design for next year : )